The Brief: This academic project asked for a redesign of a classic book cover: To Kill a Mockingbird. The goal was to bring metaphorical imagery into the cove that would hint at what as to come in its pages.
I began by building mood boards, looking for imagery of birds, around the concept of freedom. I especially liked the imagery of ordinary object being tuned into cages, such as the microphones below.
I researched the book and its metaphorical meanings, then made a mind map and sketched initial ideas for the book cover.
Rough drafts were created for five separate ideas, each using imagery of a mockingbird in different predicaments.
I took three final designs to digital mockups, playing with the imagery for the bird trying out different typography options.
Based on feedback from my class, the most successful cover idea was the yellow gavel concept, of which I further played with the layout, with the hopes of giving downward movement to the gavel.
The final design gave good movement to the front cover and tied in the back and front imagery with the feathers coming flying out. I was able to develop the initial inspiration of the microphone to turn the gavel into a jail cell, hinting at the themes of the book.