Patagonia sells wetsuits made from Yulex, a neoprene-free material made from plants (rather than traditional petroleum-based wetsuit material). Yulex is a more eco-conscious material that uses new technology to make even better, softer, & more flexible products. 
In this academic project, I was tasked with designing a series of banner ads, billboards, an instagram ad, and an email campaign that would help drive traffic to Patagonia's Yulex wetsuit webpage, where customers could learn more about the technology and products. 

Banner Ads

Banner Ad Animation Example

Banner Ads Version 1 (Different Sizes)

Banner Ad Animation Example

Banner Ads Version 2 (Different Sizes)

Banner Ad Mockup on Surf Cam Site

Email Campaign

Email Mockup

Email Campaign


Billboard Vertical Version

Vertical Billboard Mockup

Billboard Horizontal Version

Horizontal Billboard Mockup

Instagram Ad

Instagram Ad Mockup 

Instagram Ad

I spent some time gathering research on the Patagonia company & branding, the Yulex material, and traditional neoprene before developing target demographics and a customer persona to help me create on-brand designs. 
Research- Patagonia
Research- Patagonia
Research- Target Demographics & Persona
Research- Target Demographics & Persona
I looked for inspiration in existing Patagonia branding as well as other companies ads, looking for features that stood out to me. Key features included the use of color, simple backgrounds, a prominent logo, bold/easy to read text, eye catching call to action, good use of space, and a strong sense of brand. 
I also took inspiration from other company's email campaigns and instagram ads, to see what design features would help to draw customers in.  
Patagonia Branding
Patagonia Branding
Banner Ad Inspiration
Banner Ad Inspiration
Email Campaign Inspiration
Email Campaign Inspiration
Instagram Ad Inspiration
Instagram Ad Inspiration
After solidifying the message that I wanted to convey in the ads (Wetsuits made from plants, not petroleum), I sketched ideas for the email campaign, created a number of different options for the billboards, and developed a storyboard for the instagram ad. I picked a light green color to convey the friendly environmental footprint of Patagonia's wetsuits, and looked for ways to engage customers, tell a story about the company, and showcase the product.  
Email Sketch
Email Sketch
Billboard Digital Sketches
Billboard Digital Sketches
Instagram Ad- Storyboard
Instagram Ad- Storyboard
Project Takeaways
This was a valuable project that taught me about expanding an initial design into multiple uses. I started by creating one initial design that I then fit into different banner ad sizes. From there, I developed an email mailer, an animated Instagram ad, and billboards that built off of the initial theme. I learned how many different directions you can take your design to create a cohesive advertisement campaign for a company or product. For me it was a very fun project because I got to research an incredible company, learn about sustainable wetsuits, and most importantly- look at lots of surf photos!
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