The Brief: This academic project asked me to design 3 magazine spreads, each featuring interviews with a different artist that shared a commonality throughout their work.
Solution: I chose Shepard Fairy, Sophia Dawson, and Eduardo Kobra. Each of these artists are street artists, social activists, and have created work that have played important roles in historic events. Fairy did the Obama "Hope" poster, Dawson contributed to the Black Lives Matter movement, and Kobra created stunning artwork for the 2016 Rio Olympics.
Tools: These projects were designed using Adobe InDesign.

Mockup Fairy Interview

Mockup Dawson Interview

Mockup Kobra Interview
Mood boards: I began the design process by researching the 3 artists & their work, then creating mood boards with key descriptive words.

Layout sketches: Using Lorem Impsum text fill, I created 5 potential layouts as rough drafts for the Eduardo Kobra Spread. The purpose of this was to generate different ideas and see what design choices would work well.

Rough Drafts: I designed an initial version of each of the spreads, receiving feedback from my class to help guide my edits.

Draft feedback- Positives: Layering of the numbers. hierarchy, 3 clear paragraphs; Negatives: feels cut and pasted, not designed

Draft Feedback- Positives: Layering of the numbers. hierarchy, consistency; Negatives: Top of the page lacks dynamic quality, try continuation of colors

Draft feedback- Positives: Layering of the numbers, hierarchy, photos Negatives: Cutting the page in half, plain block of color on top.
Reflection: This project helped me learn to infuse design into projects and make them more visually dynamic. Although my rough drafts had good layout structure, they were very simple and felt a little boring, as if they were simply cut and pasted. My final drafts found a way to use the same information but enhance the attractiveness of the spread. The final drafts were much more visually appealing than the roughs, working to draw readers in.

Final Spread Fairy

Final Spread Dawson

Final Spread Kobra